Three new interesting features!

WhatsApp is probably the number 1 instant messaging app in the world with billions of users worldwide. In the last few years, they’ve added a good number of updates to their app: the fingerprint option for security, the timed messages, the 24-hour status feature and many others. 

This time, they’ve added three features that regular WhatsApp might find quite interesting–GB WhatsApp users, this isn’t for you.


WhatsApp's New Privacy Updates


1. Choosing Who Knows When You’re Online

Apparently some WhatsApp users hate for people to know if they are online. Well, now with WhatsApp’s new feature you can keep your online status private and choose who can or can’t see when you’re online. When you’re online now on WhatsApp, you can select which contact you want to see that you’re available.

As opposed to all these stress of hide and seek, you can just air people with your full chest like a comrade wey sabi but I won’t advice such if you’re owing the mob money.


2. Blocking Screenshots For View Once Messages

WhatsApp has a feature where you can send a message to someone that can only be viewed once and immediately after viewing it, the message disappears.

Prior to this new update, when you receive such a message, while viewing it, you can take a screenshot of the message just to have a copy of it but with the new update that won’t be possible anymore if the sender of the message activates the feature on their app. 


3. Leaving WhatsApp Groups Unnoticed

Of the three features, this one is my favorite feature. You know all those unwanted groups that you’ve always wanted to exit but you can’t do it because everybody will notice, well with the new WhatsApp feature, you can now exit those groups quietly without anyone knowing about it except the group admin. Left to me, even the admins wouldn’t know about it but unfortunately I don’t work at Meta.

The head of WhatsApp describes it as “leaving a party quietly and only telling the host”.  This new feature will be available to WhatsApp users this month.


#GeekWorld is a segment for nerdy discussions and regular tech updates. In this edition, we are looking at WhatsApp’s new features.

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Oluwafemi Alegbe

You can call me Oluwafemi or "Femi" if the first one is too long. I'm full of life, content, laughter and creativity. I'm also addicted to movies and music. Send love and dollars to

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