What type of visitor are you?

Do you remember your usual reactions when elders visit your parents? Some are always welcome because they never forget to squeeze money in our hands or bring gifts along. While the problematic ones leave us with the dishes to wash.

Well, take this quiz to see if you have become the exact type of guest you used to adore or detest.

  1. 1 Which of these food items is too small to entertain you with?

    1. Water
    2. Garri
    3. Puff-puff
    4. Chin chin
  2. 2 Would you take offence if served garri flakes?

    1. My friends are rich rich, they cant try it
    2. Not at all, it is a normal thing
    3. If sugar and fish follow join, I dont mind
    4. They might be going through stuff, so I wouldnt mind
  3. 3 How comfortable are you when you visit people?

    1. Enter kitchen and cook for yourself
    2. Fart in their presence
    3. Collect remote dey run show
    4. Carry their property along with you when leaving
  4. 4 Do you knock before entering another person’s room?

    1. We're friends, I don't think I need to knock
    2. Sure, courtesy demands
    3. Depends on my mood
    4. Depends on the relationship we share
  5. 5 How long do you spend at your friend's place for a casual visit?

    1. The whole day
    2. 1 hour and I dip
    3. If there’s food and free WiFi, I will overstay o
    4. Depends on their vibes
  6. 6 How often do you visit your friends?

    1. Everyday
    2. Weekends
    3. When loneliness descends
    4. When there is hot gist on round
  7. 7 Which describes your courtesy level when it comes to food at another person's house?

    1. Tell them you're hungry on arrival
    2. Wash the plate they serve you with
    3. Enter the kitchen and cook for yourself
    4. Straight up refuse any food offer
  8. 8 Do you take gifts along when you visit?

    1. When it's not outreach?
    2. Only on my very first visit
    3. I do that everytime
    4. If I have enough cash, yes
  9. 9 Which of these types of visitors annoys you the most?

    1. The gossip
    2. The glutton that never rejects food
    3. The one who only visits during festive periods
    4. The one that makes sure they take something from you as they leave
  10. 10 Which of these behaviours would make you not visit someone again?

    1. Pressing their phones and not interacting with you
    2. Not offering you something to eat or drink
    3. Telling you to leave
    4. Scolding you for not bringing something for them

We Can Guess The Kind Of Visitor You Are

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  1. Quiz result

    See finish!

    Is it a crime to tell you to feel at home 😭?

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  2. Quiz result

    Time waster!

    Why not just pack all your load there. Since you do not know whn to leave. Cho cho cho and yes to every food offer. Na wa for you oga!

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  3. Quiz result

    Shakara visitor!

    Treating another person’s house like a hotel and being picky? What behaviour is this?

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  4. Quiz result

    The vibe sensor!

    You are considerate and read the room quite well.

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Gbemisola Oyeniyi

Her name is Gbemisola but feel free to call her 'carry me'. A short baddie with a strong affinity for chaos. When not choosing violence, she is either busy creating content for money or relaxing with PG-13 novels and music. Send fan letters to gbemisola@sabitribe.com. Mwah.

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