Overlooked Netflix genres with suggestions for what to watch

Even with endless options to choose from on Netflix, it gets hard to find something that actually holds your interest. The recommendations on the app aren’t always the best but don’t doubt that there are many hidden gems in different genres that you might have skipped over. Here are some overlooked movie and series genres that you can find on Netflix and suggestions to go with them:


If there’s one thing Netflix always gets right it’s their original documentaries. The story telling, the pacing, the editing… don’t expect any boring and overly technical stuff here as you learn about the world around you. They cover topics like money, sex, history, science, animals and more. 

You can get started with Tiger King, The Last Dance and What The Health.

Psychological Thrillers

This is a very underrated genre. Horror movies can be hit or miss when they rely on surprising you with scary scenes but with psychological thrillers, they keep you on your toes with a suspense-filled plot that messes with your mind along the way. At the end, you’re left with a more haunting experience. 

Check out The Platform, Behind Her Eyes and Fractured.


A decent budget, a good cast and a great wardrobe are necessary to bring intricate fantasy worlds to your screen. When done right, they allow us to escape to a world like our own yet different in the most exciting and dangerous ways with supernatural powers and thrilling quests.

Check out Shadow and Bone, The Old Guard and Living In Bondage.

Comic Book & Superhero

Everyone loves an action-packed adventure where good defeats evil (in the sequel at least) but when you throw in superpowers, the stakes (and levels of destruction) go even higher. Even with Netflix losing out on some of the best superhero movies to HBO Max and Disney+, they still have a lot of action and feel good vibes to keep you entertained.

Check out Jupiter’s Legacy, Thunder Force and Losers.


#Unsolicited is a segment for reviews, opinion pieces and industry perspectives that we know you’ll love. In this edition, we give you Netflix recommendations from the lowkey best genres.

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Odochi Onwubiko

Odochi is a content writer and editor using her dry, satirical humor to turn everyday life into shareable content. When she's not writing or reading, she moonlights as a science geek and is known to harass George RR Martin for the next Game of Thrones book. You can send her strongly worded letters at odochi@sabitribe.com


    Well said.

    Wow watched it all movies on Netflix are great

      OMG great

    This was really worth reading

    Nice movies I must say.


    Watch the movies

      Psychological Thrillers are the best

      Mind blowing

    That’s great😊🙏

    Wow my fab will always be Netflix I’ve watched most of the movie and they were doped

      Me. Macaroni, you did a great job introducing Sanitribe to us. This is absolutely educating. Thanks.

    This is really enlightening and entertaining

      Watched the movies


        The ability to switch from a comfortable genre to another takes not only courage but great convincing. Netflix is doing well.
        Great content Odochi

      I’ve watched some of the movies but thanks for the write up though 🙏

      Watched some before,they are really nice movies.

    seen almost all but thanks

      I think you’re correct. Thank you for these

      Enlightening.. Thanks a lot

      Thanks for opening my eyes to great movies. Not a Netflix fan but definitely watching some of this.

      Wow interesting


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