‘When angry count to ten before you speak’

Anger is universal emotion just like happiness and sadness. We all are aggravated by different things from time to time and that is fine. The question however is; how do you express your anger?

It’s been said that you don’t know a person until you have seen them angry. Here are different types of people when they are angry. Which one can you relate to?


1. The Spoiler

These kinds of people break anything in sight once they get angry. Asides from avoiding them during their anger bouts, you also better carry your precious belongings away from them.


Types Of People When They Are Angry


2. The Deadly silencer

If “The calm before the storm” was a set of people, it would be them. They will allow you to display all your rubbish without saying a single word. 

But in their head? They are already plotting your demise. Revenge is best served cold, innit?



3. The Talkative

Like a broken record, they won’t stop talking about what made them angry. Just when you think they have stopped (normally, mouth suppose pain them at some point) they drink water and start again.



4. The Passive Aggressor

You are not the cause of their anger but you will also collect. Consider it the national cake.



5. The Crybaby 

Apparently, those of you that cry out of anger do so also when you feel hurt, embarrassed or betrayed. Whew!



6. The Insult/Curse Dispenser

Out of their belly, terrible words flow. It is the day you vex them that you will add new words to your dictionary!



7. The Fighter

No need for long talk. These ones are all about walking the talk. You know how to vex people, you should be able to fight too. The meeting is at the wrestling ring.




#TheGoodStuff serves up some light reading with 2 shots of humour and a dash of sarcasm. This edition reveals different ways people express their anger.

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Gbemisola Oyeniyi

Her name is Gbemisola but feel free to call her 'carry me'. A short baddie with a strong affinity for chaos. When not choosing violence, she is either busy creating content for money or relaxing with PG-13 novels and music. Send fan letters to gbemisola@sabitribe.com. Mwah.

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