Shey you dey whine me ni?

Google says there are 7151 languages in the whole world but we doubt if the number is complete without the lingua Franca of cheating partners.

Well, Ijoba, a Twitter user asked what cheating partners say and the TL was flooded with responses–15 of which we found too crazy to not share with you. Enjoy!


1. Laughing in a very uncivil way.



2. I wonder what the eyes are supposed to see when two people are in their birthday suit



3. Child of thanksgiving.



4. I too like woman, me I no dey gbonran.



5. Such a benevolent human being. 



6. One step to finding a solution. 



7. That’s how Starz do!



8. Good news! The first step to healing from juju is to know that you were bewitched.



9. Dating under duress!



10. So creative!



11. Farewell knacks? We learn every day.



12. Buhahaha, we can’t stop laughing!



13. Can you call the police?



14. Some friends though?



15. Women!



#TheGoodStuff serves up some light reading with 2 shots of humour and a dash of sarcasm. This edition of Twitter Confessions features the crazy things that cheating partners have said.

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Tobiloba Olayiwola

My name is Tobi, but I like to be called Tobs - it makes me sound cool. Never been a preacher of peace. Never will be. Staircase wit irks me a lot. Pasta sways me all the time-and when I am not slaving my beauty years away to create content, I am curled up with my romance novels. Send fan letters to

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