Packaging isn’t just “Folding Paper”

We all have fond memories of using our notebook pages for more than just writing. Whether it was tearing out a page to create a unique wristwatch or folding paper into a kite to measure the distance of the sun, we’ve all dabbled in the art of paper crafting at some point in our lives. As we’ve grown older, our interests have changed and we’ve moved on from our paper-based past.

However, one field that still combines creativity, skill, and attention to detail is the packaging industry. Unfortunately, packaging is often dismissed as “just folding paper.”

Meet Perpetual Nwanze, a 24-year-old Ibadan-based packager who is determined to change this perception. Her customers love her work and she takes pride in her ability to give her customers’ brand a better outlook. The only issue she faces is the constant dismissal of her craft as “just folding paper.”

In this article, Perpetual shares her journey as a creative individual who knows the value of her work and is working to make her customers see it as well.


(Source: Revelprints)


Perpetual, Can You Give Me A Quick Overview Of Your Work?

As a packager, my process begins by reviewing a brand’s guidelines to understand its desired aesthetic. If the brand does not have a guide, I work to interpret their vision and collaborate with them to develop a final look that we both agree on.

I then proceed to select materials such as high-quality paper stock, embellishments, ribbons, and prints to use in my sketches, layouts, and mock-ups.

In the next step, I focus on ensuring consistency and coherence between the final product, the brand aesthetic and the intended message by creating a balance.

Finally, I move on to the hands-on work of cutting, folding, and assembling the final product.


(Source: Revelprints)


How Did You Get Involved In The Packaging Industry?

I began my journey as a packager during the later days of the COVID-19 stay-home order when the monotony of being stuck at home threatened to drive me insane.

It was my uncle who initially suggested the idea to me, and I decided to give it a try.

After spending eight months working at a local shop and immersing myself in tutorials on YouTube, I decided to start my own business: Revelprints.


What Is The Largest Order You Have Received To Date?

I once received an order for 10,000 paper bags and 4,000 nylons, which was way more than I expected.

However, I didn’t produce all 10,000 bags by myself. Once the order exceeds 1000 pieces, it’s a straight collabo. 


(Source: Revelprints)


What Are Some Of The Biggest Challenges You Face In Your Business?

The billing process is the most challenging aspect of my work. Sourcing materials can also be difficult at times, but billing takes the cake. People appreciate high-quality products, but when it comes to paying, it can be a hassle.

This is when the “Is it not just folding paper?” mentality surfaces. I hate it.


How Do You Cope?

I simply take a deep breath and attempt to appeal to the customer’s sense of self-importance. However, it can be challenging as some people can be quite rude.

For example, I once had a customer refuse to purchase 1500 bags, just because I requested payment for the delivery. These bags were already branded, and the experience of negotiating the order was quite stressful. I had to resort to pleading with the customer.


How Then Do You Manage To Stay On The grind?

I constantly remind myself of my ultimate goal: to have a powerful influence on others. I have seen customers collect souvenirs simply because of how attractive they are. I aspire to be the creator whose creations have that level of influence on people.

I want my presentation of my craft to drive sales for others. These are the thoughts that keep me motivated, despite any obstacles that may arise.


(Source: Revelprints)


So What’s Your Advice For Creatives Who May Be Struggling  Like This?

I’d say, mastery matters. People understand that high-quality products and services come at a cost. They also know that it is challenging for an individual to manage everything alone, so they may try to take advantage of that.

When you stand your ground, they may question your abilities. To avoid this, it’s important to never settle for anything less than your best work.

Take the time to learn and improve your skills.


You know, we are all just winging this adulthood thing. If there is any hurdle you have crossed as a creator, don’t hesitate to share your story with us. You might be saving someone.

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Tobiloba Olayiwola

My name is Tobi, but I like to be called Tobs - it makes me sound cool. Never been a preacher of peace. Never will be. Staircase wit irks me a lot. Pasta sways me all the time-and when I am not slaving my beauty years away to create content, I am curled up with my romance novels. Send fan letters to

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