5 Tips On How To Use LinkedIn Effectively

5 Tips On How To Use LinkedIn Effectively

Revive your LinkedIn account LinkedIn is a platform for career development, professional networking, and to a large extent job recruitment and job-seeking. Some people are not so fond of the platform because everything there is always too professional and uptight but if we are being honest that’s the exact M.O of the site. LinkedIn has […]

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 How To Stop Your Phone From Overheating

How To Stop Your Phone From Overheating

Try these tips to end ‘hot phone’ summer! Do you press your phone non-stop everyday? Then the odds that your phone overheats are high. If not addressed quickly, overheating can weaken your phone battery  or worse, cause a sudden shutdown. Sapa might still be outside, let’s not find out. Here are five ways to stop […]

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 Fasting And How To Do It Right

Fasting And How To Do It Right

How to make fasting feel like a consecration, not a prison. Fasting, a popular activity amongst people of faith, sparks some subconscious dread. However if you dread fasting, you’re probably doing it wrong or doing the hunger strike version of it, so here’s how to do it right.   #1:  It’s Not About The Food  […]

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 5 Tips For Surviving A Toxic Work Environment

5 Tips For Surviving A Toxic Work Environment

Working in a toxic work place is exhausting. Let’s be honest, not everyone wakes up on Monday mornings and whistles their way into work. Not everybody is enthralled with or enthusiastic about their work. There is, however, a distinction to be made between ordinary job challenges and a toxic work environment. Because you were so […]

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 7 Mistakes To Avoid When Setting Goals

7 Mistakes To Avoid When Setting Goals

Don’t give up on goals, give up on repeating bad methods. Welcome to Detty December ’21! Are you feeling it? As the year ends, many of us start hearing talk of goals and resolutions; whether it is people setting them, celebrating them or you remembering the ones you made at the beginning of the year […]

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