Do You Have Street OT?

Do You Have Street OT?

Do you run the streets or do they run you? Living in Nigeria isn’t for the faint hearted, ask around. You need to have a special kind of orientation, or what we core Nigerians call, OT. Without street OT ‘them fit run you street’; that it is to say, you can be easily tossed around […]

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 4 Significant Similarities Among Cultures In Nigeria

4 Significant Similarities Among Cultures In Nigeria

Similarity in diversity Nigeria has about 371 ethnic groups dispersed throughout its geographical zones. They all have their own dialects, cuisines, religions, dances, and other customs. Despite their differences, they have certain similarities. These parallels do not appear on the surface. One must analyze their differences in order to fit all the jigsaw pieces of […]

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 5 Types Of Marriages Nigerians Will Never Understand

5 Types Of Marriages Nigerians Will Never Understand

Unconventional types of marriages that would shock Nigerians The average Nigerian is used to the usual type of marriages like: Common law marriage, traditional marriage and polygamous marriage amongst others. However, there are several types that can evoke the anger of the gods and likely wouldn’t be found on the pages of Bella Naija. Please […]

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