6 Ways To Keep Your Anger In Check

6 Ways To Keep Your Anger In Check

Anger Management for beginners! Have you ever been so annoyed that you felt you’d explode? Nigeria’s largest city, Lagos, is home to over 20 million people and rumour has it that most of these people are moving mad. What this means is that there’s is a long list of people and things ready to get […]

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 5 Ways To Manage Burnouts

5 Ways To Manage Burnouts

This will help you manage burnouts and prevent a repeat. Experiencing a burnout is nothing but awful. Remember when some comrades changed the saying, “the sky is the limit” to “the sky is the starting point”? Well, that is how burnouts start. Pushing yourself beyond your mental limits is the perfect recipe for an incoming […]

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 5 Tips For Surviving A Toxic Work Environment

5 Tips For Surviving A Toxic Work Environment

Working in a toxic work place is exhausting. Let’s be honest, not everyone wakes up on Monday mornings and whistles their way into work. Not everybody is enthralled with or enthusiastic about their work. There is, however, a distinction to be made between ordinary job challenges and a toxic work environment. Because you were so […]

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 7 Mistakes To Avoid When Setting Goals

7 Mistakes To Avoid When Setting Goals

Don’t give up on goals, give up on repeating bad methods. Welcome to Detty December ’21! Are you feeling it? As the year ends, many of us start hearing talk of goals and resolutions; whether it is people setting them, celebrating them or you remembering the ones you made at the beginning of the year […]

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 5 Uncommon Mental Disorders

5 Uncommon Mental Disorders

The mind works in mysterious ways and these mental disorders prove it  Nigeria’s vast population means we have a proportionally large number of people suffering from different types of mental illnesses and disorders. Despite the stigma still attached to the reality of mental health, it is a concept we’re beginning to take seriously as a […]

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 6 Ways To Support Someone Living With Mental Disorders

6 Ways To Support Someone Living With Mental Disorders

Thoughtful ways to make their life easier With 20-30% of Nigeria’s population suffering from largely undiagnosed mental illnesses according to WHO, we can do more to support the millions of people fighting battles we can’t see. Mental disorders doesn’t need a diagnosis or accurate description to significantly limit your ability to function and reduce your quality […]

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