4 Things That Are Draining Your Energy

4 Things That Are Draining Your Energy

What’s draining your energy? There are things we call energy takers–things that work toward draining your energy. These things can grow from being minor to becoming major concerns if they’re not taken care of. If you want to feel better and know where the problem is coming from, stick around to the end of this […]

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 Starting A Mental Health Conversation

Starting A Mental Health Conversation

You can start by asking how they are People avoid conversations about other people’s mental health for the fear of being called an over-sabi, amebo or worse; an insensitive person. In everyone’s defense, mental health conversations are not the easiest – a person may push a little too hard, or pick a time when the […]

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 How to Survive An Abusive Relationship

How to Survive An Abusive Relationship

You are a survivor, never a victim! Nothing justifies maltreatment or abuse of a fellow human being. Following the unfortunate news of late gospel singer, Osinachi Nwachukwu, who allegedly suffered domestic violence, it became paramount for the tribe to share insight on surviving an abusive relationship. Anyone can fall victim to abuse, it is never […]

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 5 Ways To Manage Burnouts

5 Ways To Manage Burnouts

This will help you manage burnouts and prevent a repeat. Experiencing a burnout is nothing but awful. Remember when some comrades changed the saying, “the sky is the limit” to “the sky is the starting point”? Well, that is how burnouts start. Pushing yourself beyond your mental limits is the perfect recipe for an incoming […]

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 7 Mistakes To Avoid When Setting Goals

7 Mistakes To Avoid When Setting Goals

Don’t give up on goals, give up on repeating bad methods. Welcome to Detty December ’21! Are you feeling it? As the year ends, many of us start hearing talk of goals and resolutions; whether it is people setting them, celebrating them or you remembering the ones you made at the beginning of the year […]

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