How To Properly Curate Your Social Media Feed

How To Properly Curate Your Social Media Feed

Turn your feed into an information hub! Social media has been around for quite a while now and over the years we have finally settled with what I call the big 3. The big 3 are three of the biggest social media platforms now: Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.  These platforms offer endless possibilities if utilized […]

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 5 Tips On How To Use LinkedIn Effectively

5 Tips On How To Use LinkedIn Effectively

Revive your LinkedIn account LinkedIn is a platform for career development, professional networking, and to a large extent job recruitment and job-seeking. Some people are not so fond of the platform because everything there is always too professional and uptight but if we are being honest that’s the exact M.O of the site. LinkedIn has […]

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 Match The App To Its Functionality

Match The App To Its Functionality

Are you an app genius? How app-savvy are you? Take this quiz and we will tell you if you’ll need to start taking Smartphone 101 lessons. You don’t want to become too technologically backward, do you? Only all-rounders can score above 7 in this quiz. Give it a shot, though😌

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