Why I Became Selfish

Why I Became Selfish

Selfishness or self care? As we grow, putting ourselves first becomes more important. This, in society’s vocabulary, is being selfish. Selflessness, however, will always be received with open arms–especially when it takes you 6 feet under.  Here are the stories of three Nigerians who came to this realization too, and now wear the badge of […]

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 Tips For Living With A Roomie

Tips For Living With A Roomie

Roomie troubles? If all you have heard about having roomies is that it is bad news- you didn’t hear wrong. In fact, some people shared their roommate  experience with the tribe, and boy, are they shocking. However, the cost of housing keeps shooting through the roof, and there is nothing  anyone can do about it except […]

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 Why I Swore Off Friendships

Why I Swore Off Friendships

Fool me twice, shame on me! Most people can agree that friendship is all about find the yin to your yang and holding them close because everyone needs friends, right? We look at three people who beg to differ and have washed their hands of all that concerns friendships. Find out why: Sarah*, 24 “Inside […]

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 How To Discern A Cheating Partner

How To Discern A Cheating Partner

Beat a cheat at their own game! How can you tell if you have a cheating partner? The indicators of infidelity vary from relationship to relationship, but there are some similar threads to watch for. First and foremost, I’ll tell you this: If your instinct tells you that your spouse is cheating, chances are that […]

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 How To Escape The Friendzone Like A Boss (For Men)

How To Escape The Friendzone Like A Boss (For Men)

From friendzone to lovers to enemies – the circle of life The fabled friendzone… where disillusioned romantics fantasize about their unrequited love being less unrequited. It’s something that many of us have gone through.  We often hear that women never shoot their shot, well to that I say: Men don’t know how to aim! So […]

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