Kama sutra for what?
If height differences are causing bedroom tension for you and your partner–this article is for you. If you are about to reject that fine specimen because you foresee height difference causing bedroom conflicts–again, this article is specially for you.
Kama sutra for what? We’re here to tell you how it’s done. Here are five sex positions for tall-short lovers. Ready?
1. Spooning
Guess who is getting their G-spot hit? You! Shame on those who called you 5 liters keg. Let them take their Amazon-ness to the bank and keep arguing if there’s actually anything like a G-spot.
Lie side by side with your buttocks to his crotch, enjoy some piping and leave matter for Matthias.
2. Kitchen Counter
Say goodbye to the era of penis slipping out of the vagina, counting chest hairs instead of making eye contact and all other missionary-related fails by using this style.
Let the shorter partner sit on the counter or table or any other firm platform and get things done. Don’t be afraid to anoint the furniture.
3. Reverse Cowgirl
For this style, the penis- haver lies on his back while the vagina-haver mounts them. This way, you get to control the penetration and get the G-spot hit at the same time.
God bless him extra if he has a big rod, you will find yourself speaking in unholy tongues.
P.S. Don’t forget lube!
4. Snake Girl
Whether you are short or tall this twisty sex position will make leg hanging worth it. Lie on your stomach with a pillow under your hip and lift your hips in the air for action.
However, you have to be a little careful because this position can result into farts- may we not be embarrassed.
5. Corgi Doggy
Any bedroom business that does not include doggy is trash! I said what I said. Corgi doggy is for short girls where the guy lines their hip up the lady’s hip either by kneeling, half kneeling or standing.
I know you will thank me later but please don’t scream my name while in action.
#SexandShips is a lifestyle series bringing you sexual education and relationship advice. This edition showcases five different sex positions for lovers with different heights.