Prevent nail breakage with these tips

Many things remind us everyday that life is indeed not balanced–for example, fingernails that refuse to grow. It’s funny how same nails that always got you into trouble  at the assembly ground in secondary are now the ones breaking off at any slightest provocation.  

In this post, we share seven tips on how you can keep healthy strong nails: 



1. Keep Moisturizer Away From Your Cuticles.

This is for all the beauty queens and kings. We are sorry to cut your routine short but that moisturizer can’t go beyond your cuticles. 

 As you read on, you will see that the hate is not for moisturizer but its water content. Water harms your nails, I’m not kidding. .


2. Take Supplements/Biotin

Get supplements like biotin, it makes your mail stronger and less easy to break.


3. Avoid Unnecessary Contact With Water

I don’t know how you intend to explain this to your Nigerian mother but strong nails and water- especially when hot –do not go well together. 

When your nails are in too much contact with water, they become soft and break off easily. If you can’t escape touching water because of chores/work, we suggest you get rubber gloves. Nitrile gloves can serve for when you are bathing.


4. File Your Nails In One Direction 

The proper way to file your nails is in the direction you started with and not as the spirit leads you.

You are not a carpenter. Stop filing your nails as though it’s plywood. 


5. Keep Your Nails Coated 

This is another way of reducing the amount of direct contact that your nails have with water.

It doesn’t have to be nail polish, it could just be a good strengthening base coat.


6. Pick Things With Finesse

Whatever shall we do without finesse in this life? Nothing! When your goal is to get healthy nails, you have to learn how to pick things with care.

For example, stop reaching into your purse or drawer blindly and get a fork or spoon for when you want to open can drinks. Basically, just learn to do things without direct use of your fingernails.


7. Use Acetone

Acetone is way better than nail polish remover because while it makes your skin dry, it does not allow water to get into your nails. Speaking of dryness. Rub glycerin on your hands before using the acetone to counter the dryness and if you can’t afford glycerin, quickly carry your mommy’s anointing oil and use.  


8. Use The Right File

Under no influence in heaven or on earth should you use metal file. Emery? Maybe. Glass file? 101% but metal files, never.

Your fingers should be treated with care and not like a welder’s workbench 🙂. 


9. Oil Your Nails

Some might say so much noise on top of nails, but it has to be done. For one, it reduces the urge to bite them, if you are the one to bite your nails. 

Then, it also prevents your nails from having direct contact with water. 


#HealthAndBeauty is a lifestyle segment to keep you feeling and looking good. This edition highlights seven ways to prevent your nails from breaking.



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Tobiloba Olayiwola

My name is Tobi, but I like to be called Tobs - it makes me sound cool. Never been a preacher of peace. Never will be. Staircase wit irks me a lot. Pasta sways me all the time-and when I am not slaving my beauty years away to create content, I am curled up with my romance novels. Send fan letters to

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