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Happy holidays from the Tribe to you and yours. In the spirit of holidays, it is not unusual to find yourself thinking about giving back to your immediate community.

We have some ideas for you, scroll down to see how to give back to your community during the holidays (and beyond):


1. Donate Toys

You can give back by donating new toys or neatly used toys from your family and friends to the underprivileged kids in your community. 


2. Donate Cash To A Charity Or Cause

Give cash to the cause that aligns with your passion–whatever it is; sponsoring indigent children in school, helping senior citizens out, feeding hungry people. Whatever it is. 


3. Donate To A Local Food Bank

Lagos Food Bank Initiative is a good example of a local food bank. They are organized, help get your donations to the places where it has maximum impact, and document every activity in the most transparent manner. 


4. Donate Goods

Perhaps, you are wary of sending food items, Dream Catchers Academy, among many other NGOs, is a good drop-off location for clothes, stationery, shoes, and other useful items.

Like Lagos Food Bank, Dream Catchers Academy too is like an open book. Be assured that your donations are going to the intended places. 


5. Support Small Businesses

Another way to give back is to patronize small business owners during this holiday period. Don’t overprice their goods. Tip them. Turn a blind eye sometimes when they add that extra change.

Support in every way you can. 


6. Volunteer Your Time

Most NGOs are left short-handed during the holidays so this is the best time to offer the gift of your time. 

If you are looking to sign up now, Slum2School comes highly recommended.


7. Be Randomly Kind 

Flowers, random compliments, credit alerts, offering to help- basically anything that will make a person feel loved.

Be nice. Spread the cheer. Spread the love. Seasons greetings!


#UNSOLICITED is a segment for reviews and opinion pieces. In this segment, we share ways to give back to your community these holidays.

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Tobiloba Olayiwola

My name is Tobi, but I like to be called Tobs - it makes me sound cool. Never been a preacher of peace. Never will be. Staircase wit irks me a lot. Pasta sways me all the time-and when I am not slaving my beauty years away to create content, I am curled up with my romance novels. Send fan letters to

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