And the award for the most annoying friend goes to…

Though we love them, we can’t deny there are days when our friends get on our nerves and the thought of murder and jail time suddenly becomes appealing.

What’s funny is that they probably think the same of us too. Or not. Or maybe a little.

Let’s find out in this quiz, shall we?

  1. 1 Pick one

    1. Aux
    2. AirPods
    3. Headphones
    4. None
  2. 2 How quickly do you text back?

    1. As soon as I’m settled
    2. After some hours
    3. I hardly ever reply😫
    4. Immediately I get the text
  3. 3 Which person are you when everybody is trying to talk at the same time?

    1. The person trying to get everyone to calm down
    2. The person on their phone
    3. The person quietly trying to get a word in
    4. The one shouting above everyone
  4. 4 How do your friends make you come early for a hangout?

    1. They know I’m always punctual
    2. They tell me the exact time
    3. They give me an earlier time
    4. They come to drag me from home
  5. 5 Who pays at hangouts?

    1. We split the bills
    2. I pay
    3. Anyone pays
    4. Never me
  6. 6 Which of these things do you?

    1. Drag your feet
    2. Chew loudly
    3. Snore
    4. Borrow things and not return them
  7. 7 How often do you argue with your friends?

    1. Always, I'm a debate champion
    2. Rarely
    3. I never have the strength for arguments
    4. It depends
  8. 8 Do you remember your friends' birthdays?

    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Why should I when there's Facebook?
    4. Sometimes
  9. 9 What do your friends say when you are on the aux?

    1. "Baddest DJ!"
    2. “Which kind music be this one?”
    3. "You are killing my vibe!"
    4. I’m not the music type
  10. 10 What do you do when you go visit your friends?

    1. Litter the house
    2. Help out with chores
    3. Try to leave the house the way I met it
    4. Relax and be taken care of

How Annoying Do Your Friends Think You Are?

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  1. Quiz result

    Very Annoying! Your friends think you are extremely annoying!

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  2. Quiz result

    Barely Annoying! You don't have so much wahala!

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  3. Quiz result

    Kind of annoying! But your friends don’t mind, because they are annoying too!

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  4. Quiz result

    Go Away! You're unbearable!

    How Annoying Do Your Friends Think You Are?
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Tobiloba Olayiwola

My name is Tobi, but I like to be called Tobs - it makes me sound cool. Never been a preacher of peace. Never will be. Staircase wit irks me a lot. Pasta sways me all the time-and when I am not slaving my beauty years away to create content, I am curled up with my romance novels. Send fan letters to

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