Heartbreak music from different genres

Whether romantic or platonic, heartbreak is one of the most emotionally traumatic things we’ve all experienced. Some would argue that platonic breakups are more painful but we’ll focus on romantic ones cause they’re certainly more dramatic. If you’re still hoping your ex will come running back, this isn’t the article for you. It’s time to skip the love songs and delete the personalized sex playlists, we’re here to provide music to move you as you move on.

Here are 5 heartbreak songs, from different genres, to remind you that they didn’t deserve you anyway. F**k you, [insert ex’s name here]!


Thunder Fire You by Ric Hassani 

“For when you cheated on me, thunder fire you”

The best thing about this song is how Ric Hassani doesn’t even come off as emotional or heartbroken. No admission of “e pain me sha”. He calmly stated the facts of his ex’s betrayal and then left the rest to Sango (including her friends).

Sober by Mahalia

“With us, no matter how I add it up, 1 + 1 is none”

Mahalia clearly knows the frustration of what feels like the 100th breakup and the realisation that the relationship just cannot compute. She talks about a love hangover and haven’t we all felt that rough come down from love’s high?

Never Really Mine by Dutchavelli 

“Girl, what’s your type? Find someone that you really like”

Big boys don’t cry but they do get in their feelings sometimes. If you’re a hard guy going through hard times, Dutchavelli is here to remind you that a break up is not always about you – sometimes they just don’t know what they want.

That Game by K. Michelle 

“Boy I got some news for you, I can do it too”

This song is a PSA to that cheating bastard, letting him know you can play the game better than he can. You gauged the red flags and you peeped his game plan, all you had to do was checkmate.

Murvlana by Santi ft. Tay Iwar

“Sometimes I think about you then I sigh. Everything about you was a lie”

Have you ever had to break up with someone after realising they put you on cruise the whole time? You fell in love with someone you never really knew and although it sets you free, the truth is chloroquine (bitter AF!).

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Odochi Onwubiko

Odochi is a content writer and editor using her dry, satirical humor to turn everyday life into shareable content. When she's not writing or reading, she moonlights as a science geek and is known to harass George RR Martin for the next Game of Thrones book. You can send her strongly worded letters at odochi@sabitribe.com


    Nice one

    It is not good enough to be heartbroken.
    Some music keep ones going like Chemistry by Falz ft Simi

    Lol. I pray I never have to listen to any of these due to a heartbreak

    Great movies

    The whole triangle of heartbreak requires a lot but one thing and that’s ‘acceptance’.
    Great playlist
    I’m sticking with Ric Hassani – thunder fire you

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