All the ajebos fall out!
Like the two sides of a coin, living in Nigeria as a kid either meant you were an ajepako or an ajebutter. Ajepako kids are the ones who slummed it the Nigerian way while ajebutter kids are the rare breed who always had their bread “buttered”.
Are you an Ajebutter, Ajepako or somewhere in between? Take this personality quiz and find out.
1 Pick a music genre.
Hip hop
2 Which of these activities did you enjoy the most growing up?
Playing with your street friends
School trips
Attending holiday lessons
Taking summer jobs
3 Which of these was usually for breakfast?
Left over from the night before
Tea and boiled eggs
Bread and pap
4 What was your brushing routine like, as a kid?
Once a day
Twice a day
Once in a while
Every two days
5 If you ever had Apollo, how would your parents treat it?
Tell us to rinse our eyes with pee
Take us to the hospital
Buy eye drops
Buy antibiotics
6 How did you get to school everyday?
I prefer not to say
I trekked
Took the school bus
My parents' driver dropped us
7 Who used to help you with your homework?
We were on our own
My siblings/parents
My lesson teacher
I copied from others at school
8 Do you take permission before going out?
Not all the time
9 How did your parents decide what you ate?
As the spirit led
We had a timetable
Everybody chose what they wanted to eat
It depended on what was available
10 How did you celebrate birthdays?
Never did
My parents always threw me a party
My parents would buy me biscuit and coke
My parents would buy me a cake
Are You An Ajebutter Or An Ajekpako?
Created on-
Quiz result
Ajepako! You're tough cookie and you can survive anywhere!
Quiz result
Ajebo pikin! You're a softie who was born with a golden spoon!
Quiz result
You're somewhere in between! You shuffle from ajebo to ajekpa depending on where you find yourself.
Quiz result
Polished Ajekpako! You were this close to being a pure ajekpako!