These mistakes grow into deal breakers

Even without saying it, we’re sure you can tell how scarce committed relationships have become. More mind games. Less intentionality. Nothing too deep. Just vibes and grooves a.k.a show each other shege because na mumu dey love

If you then find yourself in a committed relationship, where you no longer feel iffy, and your partner actively makes effort to ensure that the relationship works, count yourself lucky.

Then, take note to avoid these 7 things that pour sand in the garri of committed relationships:



1. Faking Orgasms

No matter how we slice and dice it, sex–actually, good sex–is key in every romantic relationship. Sadly, for some reason, some people prefer to fake orgasms when the sex is subpar. Don’t be that person.

Whatever the issue is, don’t hesitate to talk about it with your partner and find solutions to the problem together.


2. Saying “Nothing Is Wrong”

Saying nothing is wrong is just like using ordinary pain relief to combat cancer. Do you see any good outcome with that? I didn’t think so either.

Yes, it’s a less dramatic response but trust me it isn’t worth the heartache that comes from bottling your emotions up.


3. Talking About Your Ex

Another mistake you shouldn’t be making is talking to your partner about your ex. It is not only disrespectful to do that to them, it also shows that you are a toxic person.

If you are keen on your relationship, we suggest  you leave memories to Adam Levine and focus on better things.


4. Arguing Through The Night

If you or your partner have had a fight but are too tired for the day and choose to get some Zzzs, then so be it. No harm in waiting till the next day when both of you are clear-headed and refreshed.

Pushing for talks at the wrong time only builds unnecessary tension in relationships .


5. Keeping Scores

There will always be arguments so how long do you intend to match hurt for hurt? Should you even?

We are not in any way saying you should be densely forgiving to keep your relationship. Rather, call your partner out on their BS, bury the hatchet if possible, and sail on with your ship.


6. Telling Them About Your Crush

Some people do this because they think it will make their partner jealous and cherish them more. Wrong indeed.

You are only going to make your partner insecure in the relationship. BTW: The only crush you’re allowed to have is your partner!


7. Assuming Your Partner Will Magically ‘Change’

We hate to be a bum, but any behavior you allow from the fly will continue and remain so until your partner intentionally changes it for themselves, for you, or for the relationship. 

So, rest. 


#SexandShips is a lifestyle series bringing you sexual education and relationship advice. This edition showcases 7 things to avoid in a committed relationship.

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Tobiloba Olayiwola

My name is Tobi, but I like to be called Tobs - it makes me sound cool. Never been a preacher of peace. Never will be. Staircase wit irks me a lot. Pasta sways me all the time-and when I am not slaving my beauty years away to create content, I am curled up with my romance novels. Send fan letters to

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