“I love you, oya talk your own…”


Having a person tell you “I love you” for the first time or whatever-th time 🙄, feels a little like walking on air. 

It is sad that some people who enjoy this privilege are not decent enough to reply with something equally sweet and heart-felt.

If you are on this table, get in here with your higher education notebook while I school you on the best responses to “I love you” because it’s not me you will disgrace. 


Are You A Disappointment To Your Nigerian Parents?


  • Lol

Is it because of ordinary 8 years relationship that wahala is numerous like this? Reply with ‘lol’ and snap your fingers quickly – it will help them to return to factory settings ASAP. Don’t forget to laugh if it is a joke.



  • Amen

How will they know that you are spirit filled? Responding to their love confession with an ‘Amen’ is a clear sign that you are a prayer warrior. 

Another upside to this response is that it is relevant in all locations.

Imagine your parents, who had given up on you because you are a child of the world, hear you shout a thunderous Amen. This means that you have seen the light, and finally, you are running the heavenly race with full force. Their relief can’t be bought.



  • Thanks

See, many are called, but few are chosen. Anyone that chooses you of all the 206.1 million people in Nigeria deserves your undying gratitude.

Say “thanks” or “thank you” for a more personal feel.


Rules in Nigerian homes


  • K

This is what we call the economy of words – and it’s just further proof that they are not wasting their feelings on the wrong person.

If you can be so economical that you don’t waste the words on your keyboard, then we are assured that you can manage generational wealth.




  • Mad o

This one is for scenarios where you too are very much in love but prefer to disguise it.

“Mad o” helps you preserve your dignity while also spicing up your lovestruck status.




  • WhatsApp Sticker

This is it guys; the highest ranking response to “I love you”.

You should be able to pull this off based on your background in savagery, which you should possess by now as per ‘Tribe Alumnus’.


How Wicked Are You?


  • Call The Police

You can’t be a tribe member for this long and not be able to smell foul play a mile away. 

If this is the same person that forsook you during Valentine’s period when your mates were getting money bouquets, perfumes, and other expensive romantic gestures. Quickly hand them over to the authorities ASAP.



#TheGoodStuff serves up some light reading with 2 shots of humor and a dash of sarcasm. This edition highlights seven responses to “I love you”

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Tobiloba Olayiwola

My name is Tobi, but I like to be called Tobs - it makes me sound cool. Never been a preacher of peace. Never will be. Staircase wit irks me a lot. Pasta sways me all the time-and when I am not slaving my beauty years away to create content, I am curled up with my romance novels. Send fan letters to tobs@sabitribe.com.

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