Show me your friend, I’ll tell you who you are!

What is life without friends? For some, friends are the balm to their fears and tears. For others, they are the bane of their existence. Too bad but that’s the duality of life. There will always be good and bad friends.

Whichever side you find yourself on, even if it’s on the fence, this list describes you and at least one of your friends.

Come and catch your sub 😁:


1. The Giver

This friend is the one you can call on when in trouble. They are ready to borrow, or do urgent 2k job to raise funds for their friends. While they may not be outgoing, you can always count on them to come through when you need them the most. 

Types of friends

2. The Parasite

Plain bad news–that’s what these people are. They take and take until you are left with nothing and then some less. In the end, after draining you, they have an endless supply of sob stories to tell anyone who cares to listen, about how terrible you are as a person.


Types of friends

3. The Turn-up Buddy 

These friends are always available for a good time. Be it an owambe or clubbing, they are always available to turn up! Turn-up buddies are the best photographers and give you killer poses for the gram. 



4. The Crazy-ass One

The crazy-ass friend is that one that has no qualms calling people out on their BS. While they are the last friend you want to ask for advice, they are the first to call during a fight. With the way people move mad in this country,  having these people in your circle is a no-brainer.


Types of friends

5. The Clown

These friends make you laugh even when shitty things happen. If you are the serious type, we suggest you go easy on this type of friend. While they mean well, they will most likely frustrate you.


Types of friends

6. The Mum/Big Bro

Ha! These ones run everyone and everything like an army general. They baby their friends and dish out advice like they studied counselling. 


Types of friends

7. The Mess

The messy friends are always going through one thing or the other 😂. If they are not chopping breakfast, they are flopping in another aspect of life.  There just always is chaos around them, even their rooms. 


Types of friends


Tell us the truth–which friend are you? 💁🏻‍♀️ 

#Updated brings you lists, roundups and the latest news on the hottest topics. This edition highlights the type of friends every adult has.

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Gbemisola Oyeniyi

Her name is Gbemisola but feel free to call her 'carry me'. A short baddie with a strong affinity for chaos. When not choosing violence, she is either busy creating content for money or relaxing with PG-13 novels and music. Send fan letters to Mwah.

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