Which of these stereotypes can you relate to?

We all know Nigeria is a crazy place and this madness surely extends to the office space. You run into different types of coworkers including those that are always doing ITK, those gossip a lot and even those that the last thing they’re there for is work.

In this article you can find out what category you fall into, and identify your various colleagues. 



1. The Ass Kissers

Famous for sucking up to the boss of the organization and literally anyone in power. They are willing and able to bend to the will of their paymaster and would stop at nothing to please them. They won’t hesitate to throw their fellow employees under the bus just to receive favor but as karma has it, it really never ends well for them.



2. The IDK & IDC Gang

These ones don’t give a flying f*** about anyone in the organization. They come on time and don’t spend an extra second after closing. They do their job but anything more than that is your own business. They keep to themselves and stay neutral in office drama but have a knack for standing up to the office bullies. They are the ‘Sowore’ in the workspace when need be.



3. The Time Benders         

Hantiii, how can you claim to resume by 8am everyday? These ones can manipulate time and space and are never caught being late. They always seem to sneak in whenever the boss isn’t looking and when they are eventually caught they always have one brilliant excuse to evade a query. They are legends as they can always lie on the spot.



4. The CV Changers

These ones have remained on brand since secondary school days. We have reliable information that during their school days, they were the back-benchers who always replied ‘Crease!’ to increase or decrease. They are adept in copying, pasting and exaggerating anything that works as relevant work experience and will fake it till it’s time to deliver.



5. The Gossips

When it comes to this set of people, Gistlover is still learning. They know everyone’s gist including the founder of the company. They know when you repeat clothes, when you buy something new and even when the company won’t pay salary on time (or at all). The only thing they don’t really know is how to do their work.



6. The Foodies

Come rain, come sunshine, these individuals are eating. They are always hungry and can also beg you for the slightest meal in your possession. They literally spend their whole salary on food and will never starve themselves to please others. These are the ones that pack the smelliest foods to eat at work and feel no shame about it. 


#TheGoodStuff serves up some light reading with 2 shots of humor and a dash of sarcasm. In this edition, we discuss the different ways Nigerian coworkers show themselves. 

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Yinka Badejo

I am Oluyinka Badejo, a graduate of Mass Communication. Alongside my degree, I'm a Content specialist and Media personnel with a proven track record in delivering consistent profit and insights for companies. I also possess a clear focus on maximizing client profitability through available digital/traditional channels. I don't miss!


    I’m always in the business of minding my business o. It’s work I came to work.

    Na true,also with..oga find me small change na


      I fall into the neutral one but with a big difference, I accommodate extra time in mine own case

    Nice writeup

    Number 6 though😂😂I can relate

    Nice and so creative

    Real facts


    It true sha

    Jst like yoruba movies

    Nice one ,very creative and knowledgable ✌️✌️

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