The mind works in mysterious ways and these mental disorders prove it 

Nigeria’s vast population means we have a proportionally large number of people suffering from different types of mental illnesses and disorders. Despite the stigma still attached to the reality of mental health, it is a concept we’re beginning to take seriously as a nation. It’s not everything that begins at “Yaba left” and ends at “Aro”

To further awareness of the disorders that aren’t at the forefront of current campaigns, here’s a list of 5 uncommon mental disorders.

  1. Stendhal Syndrome (Madness by Beauty)

Sufferers of this uncommon illness experience emotional and physical pain alongside panic attacks, confusion and hallucinations when exposed to art. Imagine having to avoid museums and galleries. Superstitious people may believe an image is cursed after seeing the reaction of a person with this disorder. There is no cure but breathing techniques and medication can help relieve symptoms.

  1. Capgras Syndrome (Impostor Syndrome)

This isn’t the same impostor syndrome we all claim from time to time; people suffering from this rare disorder believe that a friend, loved one, family member or even pet has been replaced with an impostor. Individuals with epilepsy or dementia usually experience this disorder. There is no cure and treatment often requires antipsychotic medications.

  1. Apotemnophilia (Body Integrity Disorder)

Imagine having an uncontrollable urge to dismember healthy parts of your body. Though not much is known about this shocking mental illness, those affected have a persistent desire to be disabled and say they feel more complete after amputating a limb. There is no cure but cognitive behavioural therapy can be used to treat this disorder.

  1. Alien Hand Syndrome (Hand of God)

This strange disorder causes people to feel that their hand is no longer under their control. They believe the hand has a mind of its own, controlled by ghosts, aliens or God. People have been reported to suffer from this disorder after trauma, disease,  a stroke or tumor. There is no cure but medication and behavioural therapy are used for treatment.

  1. Boanthropy (I’m the Goat)

The symptom of this absurd disorder is the belief that one is a cow or ox. People experiencing this order attempt to live life on all fours, eating grass. The exact cause is unknown but some believe the disorder is triggered by hypnosis or even dreams. King Nebuchadenezzer is a popular figure that suffered from this disease but very little is known about a cure or treatment.

Which uncommon mental disorder did you find the most shocking?

#MentalMatters is a mental health series exploring matters of the mind and promoting conscious living. This edition brings awareness to 5 mental disorders you probably didn’t know existed.


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Yinka Badejo

I am Oluyinka Badejo, a graduate of Mass Communication. Alongside my degree, I'm a Content specialist and Media personnel with a proven track record in delivering consistent profit and insights for companies. I also possess a clear focus on maximizing client profitability through available digital/traditional channels. I don't miss!


    Wow! hand of God? I have truly learnt a lot.

    Hmmm,am short of words

    Another knowledge added 👏

    U are the best❤😋

    Apotemnophilia is shocking!

    Good update

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