Thoughtful ways to make their life easier

With 20-30% of Nigeria’s population suffering from largely undiagnosed mental illnesses according to WHO, we can do more to support the millions of people fighting battles we can’t see.

Mental disorders doesn’t need a diagnosis or accurate description to significantly limit your ability to function and reduce your quality of life. Saying self-harm and suicide “is not an option” is an insensitive position to take when these are the only options available to people processing overwhelmingly negative emotions without structured and empathetic support.

It’s normal for your loved ones to hide behind a mask to prevent burdening you with the reality of their mental struggles. If you know your friend or family member is suffering from any form of mental illness, here are some ways you can help – even if they look like they’ve got it under control.

mental disorders, mental health


Educate yourself and fight mental health stigma

Battling an often invisible illness is bad enough without the stigma, nonchalance and marginalization people face from society’s ignorance. Intentionally challenging harmful stereotypes and culture is a great way to indirectly improve their quality of life. Educating yourself and amplifying the reach of mental health advocacy is the first step. Actively seek spaces and communities for mental health disorders to help yourselves and others, learn and unlearn.

Empathize, don’t judge

Unless you have personally experienced the debilitating effects of chronic mental illness, it’s hard to understand the ways mentally ill people cope. Judging and harshly engaging them for their forms of escapism like isolation, lack of self care, self harm and drug addiction will only shame them farther into harmful choices. Show you care by making the effort to understand and empathize with the struggles that trigger these choices.

Listen and acknowledge without nonchalant platitudes

When you’re in a bad mental space and venting to others is met with empty feel-good platitudes like “Everything will be fine,” it can be very demoralizing. Unless their triggers and trauma is acknowledged, no healing can happen. Their lives will not just eventually work out despite systems and stigma working against them. Mentally ill people understand that real help may only come from medical professionals but sharing their burdens helps lighten the load.

Financially support their medical needs if you can

A significant barrier for many trying to improve their mental health is the cost of vital, recurring therapy sessions and long term medication. It’s a financial commitment that many cannot make and are too ashamed to ask for help with. If you’re in a position to offer assistance, ask how you can financially contribute to their treatment. Understand that waiting for your loved one to ask for help is not enough.

Create and participate in safe spaces

For mentally ill people, having spaces and communities where they can remove the masks they wear to hide their struggles and unburden can be the deciding factor in their survival of mental illness. Just knowing that society is becoming more empathetic and accessible for them gives them motivation to keep fighting even if their immediate environment continues to be toxic. We can’t all be activists inspiring change but we can all be in the crowd cheering on.

Mental health resources

If you found this article helpful for you or someone you know that is battling mental illness, please share widely to help others. This article does not constitute professional medical advice, please consult the resources below for further help.

Mentally Aware Nigeria Initiative 

Neem Foundation

Paroche Foundation

Lagos State Mental Health Program 

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About Author

Odochi Onwubiko

Odochi is a content writer and editor using her dry, satirical humor to turn everyday life into shareable content. When she's not writing or reading, she moonlights as a science geek and is known to harass George RR Martin for the next Game of Thrones book. You can send her strongly worded letters at


    Support them in heart❤️❤️❤️
    Talk to them and be with them at all time

    This is really necessary
    By supporting and showering them with love and care

    Thanks for sharing this, sabi tribe

    As far as Nigeria factor is concerns, one can’t do with them

    Show them love and care. They need all the support they can get💯💯💯

    Sabi people u to much 😋

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