Will AI eventually take all our jobs?

As technology continues to evolve and new boundaries are achieved, we are presented with an ever-growing array of tools and solutions. In recent years, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has emerged as one of the most exciting and impactful technological developments.

With the ability to improve efficiency, productivity, and decision-making, AI is being infused into various aspects of our daily lives and work. As we look ahead to the year 2023, it’s worth exploring some of the fascinating things that can be done with AI.

Here are five examples:


(Source: Pexels)

1. Content Generation

With AI, you don’t have to worry about racking your brain to come up with content.

You can now use AI to generate text, images, and videos, which can be used to create more engaging digital content.


2. Copy Generation

There are AI tools available now that you can use to generate copy for various content, such as email campaigns and blogs, in just a couple of clicks.


3. Art Creation

This one is mind-blowing and concerning at the same time because, with just a few clicks, you have AI tools that can generate beautiful art pieces in seconds.

Some argue that these tools will reduce the need for human artists, but professional artists argue that whatever the AI tools generate will lack the human touch which gives art uniqueness.


4. Conversion Of Text-To-Videos  

AI tools now available will enable you to convert text to videos without any prior video editing knowledge.

You can even create videos in multiple languages using these tools, with ready-made avatars that look like actual real-life human beings featured in the videos.


5. Proxy Reading

There are AI tools available now that will read a voluminous document, pick out the most important points from it, and summarize it into a new one for you to read.

This is useful for documents such as school work or business contracts, as the AI tool will summarize the whole thing in seconds or minutes, pick out the vital parts, and compile it into a new document.


Note: Although I don’t think AI may not necessarily lead to job loss, individuals need to adapt and learn how to utilize AI tools in order to remain relevant in their field in the near future. This includes integrating these tools into their professional processes.

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Oluwafemi Alegbe

You can call me Oluwafemi or "Femi" if the first one is too long. I'm full of life, content, laughter and creativity. I'm also addicted to movies and music. Send love and dollars to femi@sabitribe.com.

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