Collect your money!

Unrepentant debtors have two common traits–crying buckets for you to lend them money and becoming (oporoko) dry fish when it’s time to pay back the money they borrowed.

Well, today marks the end of their reign of terror because the Tribe is here to share six proper tips on how to deal with them. Lenders, are you there?


1. Call Them Out On Twitter

This is for when you are going out for blood so you present their flesh on a platter to the e-cannibals of Twitter. All the ment and audacity your debtor ever possessed shall be peeled away and instant strength to transfer your funds back to you shall be bestowed upon them–after a few hours of dragging on the street of Twitter.


How To Properly Deal With Debtors


2. Paste Their Info Everywhere 

There is no harm in being the one to kick start their journey to fame, after all, all blow na blow. Who knows? Pasting their pictures everywhere with wanted (in colour red) splashed across, maybe the crucial step to finding their destiny helper.

Even if it isn’t, we are still confident that your money is going to come out!


How To Properly Deal With Debtors


3. Take ‘The Mothers’ (Witches) On Your Next Ask

According to Nollywood, the mothers have an another-worldly appearance that is enough to set any crooked brain straight. And if your debtor feels like they have some ment to display, leave the mothers to do them as they will.

PS: Accessing the mothers can be DIY too (not every time, you go to a herbalist). Self-summon can be done by flogging yourself with a broom 77 times. No more. No less. 



4. Appear In Their Dream

Nothing makes Nigerians shit nickels like seeing people they know in their dreams. And when that person is someone they owe? They go gaga.

Appear in their dreams and state in clear terms, how and when you want your funds returned. Please don’t leave the scene without stating your terms clearly!


How To Properly Deal With Debtors


5. Report Them To Their Work Rival

We shall call this one blue-collar shege and it’s solely for people who don’t like getting their hands in the dirt. Your debtor will most likely have a work rival they do not like in the least, and they are the best candidate for your revenge.

Let’s just say with this tip, peace will be the last thing your debtor feels.


How To Properly Deal With Debtors


6. Hire Thugs To Beat Them Up

Get yourself some Mushin bros and let them beat the audacity out of the debtor. A good pounding always held the reputation of setting people straight and even the Bible says so. 

N.B: This page doesn’t support violence.


How To Properly Deal With Debtors


#TheGoodStuff serves up some light reading with 2 shots of humour and a dash of sarcasm. This edition highlights six proper ways to deal with people who borrow money without returning it.


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Tobiloba Olayiwola

My name is Tobi, but I like to be called Tobs - it makes me sound cool. Never been a preacher of peace. Never will be. Staircase wit irks me a lot. Pasta sways me all the time-and when I am not slaving my beauty years away to create content, I am curled up with my romance novels. Send fan letters to

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