Is your friend really your friend?

Having fake friends is one of the worst things that can happen to a person in their lifetime and depending on how quickly you spot and do away with a fake friend, your life may be your whole life in hurt and regret.

While it is true that you are in charge of your own happiness, also knowing that you have someone solid (besides family) to share your successes and fails with is mighty soothing.

So whether you have been getting funny vibes all along and need confirmation or this piece is your eye opener, here are nine surefire signs that your friend is fake.



1. They Make You Feel Bad About Yourself 

Let’s face it, everyone needs soul lifting words from time to time and sometimes the only person you want to hear it from is your friend.

If your friend is consistently not that person, you need to rethink the relationship. Some even make you insecure with backhanded compliments, our advice is to run!


2. They Are Around Only When The Going Is Good

A quick catalogue through your life with them will give you all the answers you need. Where were they during your vinegar period? Did they stick with you? Or drop you like hot yam? 

Friends that are only onboard when the going gets good are nothing but fake friends.


3. They Do Not Celebrate Life With You

So you bag a win and your friend is not screaming through the roof? Get a secateur and snip off all the weapons fashioned against you because that’s what they are.

See, there is a huge difference between introversion and bad belle, don’t be fooled.


4. They Don’t Stand Up For You

The same person that gives you backhanded compliments is likely to not stand up for you.

Worse is if they find telling you about the horrible things other people said about you behind your back cute and when nowhere in the story features them rebuffing the hater.

This is a sign that they are not only a fake friend but also a gossip monger.


5. They Don’t Help You Out When You Need It 

This is not us saying that you should place all of your life problems on them, no, but it is quite ridiculous to have friends around you that you can’t call for help, especially when you help them during their own time.

They may scream entitlement, but it isn’t- not helping is different from not willing to help. 


6. They Don’t Talk About Themselves

Introversion again, right? Okay, a few questions.

Do they pump  you for info? Do you find the exclusive gist you gave them in too many places?  

If you answered yes to both questions, you have a fake friend who will rat you out without remorse, who will gossip about your life with other people meanwhile their own gist is airtight.

Our advice still remains this 3 letter word: RUN.


7. They Don’t Tell You The Truth 

As much as your friends should be your hype man, they must also be able to prescribe the pill of cold hard truth every once in a while. Balance, beau. Balance.

If you call their attention to it and they refuse to comply, just gbe body. Soft.


8. They Like You Complacent 

They are growing, you are not and they are not concerned? Even just a little bit? 

It’s obvious they are not in for a long haul or are comfortable with you being the DUFF of the pack.

Help them along in cutting those  ties, ASAP.


9. They Don’t Apologize 

Tell me you are an emotional vampire without saying you are. Any friend who behaves like this in the name of stubbornness, is a fake friend and is only going to make you emotionally bankrupt as time goes on.

So, again, it is RUN!


#Unsolicited is a segment for reviews and opinion pieces. This edition showcases nine signs your friend is fake.

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Tobiloba Olayiwola

My name is Tobi, but I like to be called Tobs - it makes me sound cool. Never been a preacher of peace. Never will be. Staircase wit irks me a lot. Pasta sways me all the time-and when I am not slaving my beauty years away to create content, I am curled up with my romance novels. Send fan letters to

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