Ready to take the rose-colored glasses off?

Whether you’re a driver or a pedestrian, the importance of being able to interpret the meaning of each of the traffic lights is important. These lights help you know when to go or stop or get ready to stop. It’s no different with relationship flags. The different warning flags tell us whether to retreat or proceed with the relationship.

Usually, when the relationship is new and the hormones are raging, all the flags look the same. It is important that you know how to tell the flags apart because not only does doing that give you clarity–it saves you time, as well as reduces the chances of breakfast.

With that said, here are six different relationship flags you should pay attention to:



1. Green Flags

Yes, there’s this one. Everyone’s favorite. Ikr?  

Off the top of my head, examples of green flags are the ability to listen well, respect for you and others, the ability to apologize when wrong, and so much more.

Needless to say, green flags are the things you actively look for in a partner or the traits that make you feel as blessed as the pope in your relationship.


2. Red Flags

Red flags are very serious in real life, never mind the unserious fellows on Twitter who put pet peeves into the same class as red flags.

Red flags are harmful behaviors like abuse, trust issues, anger issues, and the list goes on. Like with traffic lights, it means STOP as in hol’ it right there! You cannot afford to ignore these types of flags.


3. Pink Flags

Pink flags are budding red flags that can be nipped at the bud if caught on time. They are neither deal breakers nor deal makers yet,  but fishing them out and addressing them before they mature into red flags will save you a mighty amount of stress.

An example of a pink flag is when they are still in close contact with their ex. If such a pink flag is addressed early enough, it’ll save one the trouble of being labelled an “insecure partner” when things get heated.


4. Yellow Flags

See? Different colors. Why won’t a young heart be confused? Still dispensing my armchair wisdom so you are welcome.

Yellow flags mean you should waka jeje as bumps lie ahead–a tad bit similar to pink flags.

A yellow flag brigadier is someone who gets upset by criticism or has never had a long-term relationship or who reminds you too much, of your ex. 


5. Orange Flags

These are things that rub you the wrong way and are very close to being a deal breaker, too. It is an issue of power and control and if not addressed on time, may graduate to isolation.

One way to confirm if a flag is really orange is to ask yourself if you are focusing on the potential of what that person can be rather than what’s happening in front of you.


6. Beige Flags

Dating apps are not leaving anytime soon so we might as well spill the tea on beige flags. A beige flag is when a potential date’s bio on the dating app has little or no information. 

In the world of virtual dating, a bio is like a portfolio; a first impression, so if the bio is not giving you enough info at a glance, it’s a beige flag. Trust me when I say this, dating them is going to be boring and vanilla.



Note: All of these are just umbrella descriptions of different relationship flags. Some may be redder, greener, (in deeper shades of other colours) than others. It all boils down to you and knowing how to handle the relationship.


#SexandShips is a lifestyle series bringing you sexual education and relationship advice. This edition showcases the different flags to look out for in a relationship.


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Tobiloba Olayiwola

My name is Tobi, but I like to be called Tobs - it makes me sound cool. Never been a preacher of peace. Never will be. Staircase wit irks me a lot. Pasta sways me all the time-and when I am not slaving my beauty years away to create content, I am curled up with my romance novels. Send fan letters to

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