Are you mature?

What is maturity? And how does one know that they are mature? According to the Merriam‑Webster dictionary, one is mature when they have reached a state of full development–in this case, mental and emotional development. One thing that sets mature people apart from immature people is how they handle arguments and scale through bad times. 

Let’s face it, nobody wants an immature person for a friend or lover. How can you tell if you are a mature person? Assess yourself as you read and see if you can tick off at least three signs of maturity. 


Signs of mature people

1. You Save More Than You Spend

For a mature person, “If I perish, I perish” is not a thing. Especially not when sapa is like a predator lying in wait for anyone that saves zero funds..

When you find yourself saving loose change because you know that anything can happen tomorrow, (without being reminded or forced to do so) then yes you fit into the mature genre. 

2. You Do A Lot Of Self-Reflection

Did you ever find yourself wishing for freedom from parents when you were a teen? Well, maturity is realizing freedom should not be abused. 

For a mature person, freedom is an endless series of analyzing actions, thoughts and leaving the door open for improvement always. 

On the other hand though, immature people neither take corrections nor self-reflect. Instead, they go through life as though they know it all 🥴.

3. You Keep Your Word 

It is one thing to give your word, it is another to keep it.  Only mature people willingly fulfill their promises, pay back debts without being dragged, keep to appointments, and meet deadlines.

Best believe; meeting deadlines is the proper way to live.

4. You Listen More And Say Less

Mature people know silence is golden and act accordingly. And if someone was telling cold zobo stories, mature  peopleknow better than to start an argument instead, they employ the service of their special weapons: ‘eeyah’, ‘hmm’, and ‘omo’. 


5. You Communicate Straight

Great communication is another sign of mature people. They express themselves respectfully and do not give silent treatments to their partner or go around beating around the bush. They own up to their own faults and care less about being perfect.

What many people don’t know is that hitting the nail on the head and getting straight to the point is really top tier. 

6. You Respect Other People’s Perspectives 

A  pointer that you are mature is that you can bring yourself to remember that we were all raised differently. Without taking it personally, you can accept that people see things quite differently and respect varying opinions and perspectives. 


Signs of mature people


So, are you a mature person? Let us know in the comments.


#Unsolicited is a segment for reviews and opinion pieces. This edition highlights six notable signs of mature people.

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Gbemisola Oyeniyi

Her name is Gbemisola but feel free to call her 'carry me'. A short baddie with a strong affinity for chaos. When not choosing violence, she is either busy creating content for money or relaxing with PG-13 novels and music. Send fan letters to Mwah.

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