This will help you manage burnouts and prevent a repeat.

Experiencing a burnout is nothing but awful. Remember when some comrades changed the saying, “the sky is the limit” to “the sky is the starting point”? Well, that is how burnouts start. Pushing yourself beyond your mental limits is the perfect recipe for an incoming burnout. 

But, what really is a burnout? It is a feeling of constant exhaustion that results from repeated stress. When you’re having a burnout, there is no more ginger to work. If you have ever gone from stressing yourself over a deadline to not having willpower to do anything even when you try–then you just ticked the boxes. 

Enough intro on the cause, let’s get you out of this funk! Here are five effective ways to manage your burnouts.




1. Self-care

Neglect begets burnouts. Never neglect your body’s cry for a break and sleep. Practicing self-care will gradually ease away your burnout and even prevent future burnouts. Self care is not one size fits all. For one person it could be pausing that workload for a nap or a stroll. For another it could be you splurging money on yourself, giving time to your hobbies.

So, take that breather when you need to. Like a sage once said, “Wahala no dey finish.”


2. Clean your room

Yes, cleaning and mental health are connected. Improving the state of your environment has a positive effect on your mental state too. If you hate anything remotely close to chores, gather here for a group hug.

We are in this together.


3. Do your best and leave the rest

A saying goes, “No dey overdo.” Comrades, these are wise words to live by. Pushing your limits to impress your oga at the top is a dangerous game. It’s okay to aim for the best results and accept that sometimes, “good enough”  can get the job done too.

Do what you can and leave the rest. It will not rain fire and brimstones. If it does, River Niger dey for you. 

Disclaimer: I’m not encouraging you to slack on the job. Before employers will come for me. 


4. Take a page from the book of experience

Learning from previous experiences or episodes lets us know when we are “passing our boundary”. Doing this will make you more self-aware of the warning signals and dodge an incoming burnout faster than Neo dodges bullets in The Matrix.

So take time to learn the patterns. Your mental health will thank you. 


5. Seek professional help

If you feel your burn out is way too chronic, talking to a counselor or a health professional is the next best step. Burnouts do not happen in the twinkle of an eye and may require professional help to manage.

No shame in your game. Seek help if water wants to pass garri.




#MentalMatters is a mental health series exploring matters of the mind and promoting conscious living. This edition highlights five important ways to manage burnouts.

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Odochi Onwubiko

Odochi is a content writer and editor using her dry, satirical humor to turn everyday life into shareable content. When she's not writing or reading, she moonlights as a science geek and is known to harass George RR Martin for the next Game of Thrones book. You can send her strongly worded letters at

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