Remember that class clown that always frustrated teachers and never had a pen?

Nigerian secondary schools traumatized their students in a way that is best explained in it’s own article; from barely edible school meals served by angry caterers to the punishments we suffered at the whims of sadistic seniors.

Nevertheless, we all looked forward to lunch break and more importantly, our bullies weren’t always pre-teen. In fact, the biggest bullies were the tyrannical teachers who saw the classroom as their kingdom and the students as their overbearing subjects to be banished at will. At this point, I won’t lie to you, I’ll admit that sometimes we had it coming. 

Here’s a list of 5 things Nigerian students did to get evicted from our secondary school classes. How many are you guilty of?


Forgetting your textbooks, math sets and Home Economics materials

Can you call yourself a farmer when you don’t have a cutlass to clear the bush? Every Nigerian secondary school student has heard a variation of this wise saying as their teacher kicked out the students that didn’t come with the one thing they remind them to bring every week.


Being the class clown/nuisance

In Nigerian secondary schools, the line between class clown and class nuisance does not exist. They are one and the same. In both roles, this student was entrusted with breaking up boring classes with their humour or by frustrating the teacher till they got kicked out. 


Chewing (and popping) gum

There’s a theory that teachers have such a strong phobia for chewing gum from all the times they’ve gripped a student’s desk and felt a slimy chewed up mass stuck underneath. In any case, aggressive chewing and loud popping were a sure way to get evicted from class.


Borrowing pens

There have always been three types of students: the ones who use one pen for a whole semester, the ones who always have multiple pens and the ones that expect God to provide. The last group was known to get booted from class for always begging. 


Contradicting your teacher

For some teachers, correcting or contradicting them was equal to calling them a liar. “Sir, I think you made a mistake…” or “Sorry ma, I don’t think that’s correct…” were the fateful last words we heard from those brave and foolish students who were immediately told to get out of sight.


#TheGoodStuff is a segment for light reading, served with 2 shots of humor and a dash of sarcasm. This edition takes millennials back to traumatic days of secondary school and the ways we pissed off our teachers.

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Odochi Onwubiko

Odochi is a content writer and editor using her dry, satirical humor to turn everyday life into shareable content. When she's not writing or reading, she moonlights as a science geek and is known to harass George RR Martin for the next Game of Thrones book. You can send her strongly worded letters at


    Nice article

    Gbam!! You’ve said it all

      Nice 🙂

    Nice article 👍


    Lol…I was all of them…

    Chai…I miss school days.

    To be candid… that’s the bitter truth!

      Omo school life ehnn😂

    One teacher made me put gum on my hair for chewing in class


    Wow great article

    Accurate asf🤩😃

    So true

    Lol, honestly they’re all true, memories made

      I did all of them

      LoL that’s very true

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